David John Hilditch

Oil Paintings and Watercolours based on Clouds, Faces and themes linked to Metaphysics and Philosophy.

David John Hilditch

Based in London, United Kingdom. member for 12 Years

David John Hilditch allows paint to have a life of its own, creating complex and abstract environments where ideas of reality can emerge and transform free from the moorings of time, space and causality. This freedom is explored through the language of clouds in flux, hints of facial structures, abstract textures and forms from nature. Inspired by the masters of figurative oil painting and the writings of Spinoza, Kant and Hume, his watercolours and large scale oils reflect on perception, impermanence and identity in a way that is deep, engaging and open to endless interpretation.

David was born in Wolverhampton in 1951, received his foundation in Birmingham and Fine Art Degree from Camberwell. Following a career teaching Art and Design he now pursues an interest in Philosophy and paints full-time from studios in London and Shropshire.

Joined artweb
member for 12 Years
Price range
from $75.93 to $266

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  • 7 day cancellation period
  • delivery usually 7 days

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