Red Ball
“Red Ball”
This captivating and enigmatic work of art features a striking juxtaposition of abstract and figurative elements. In the center, a child, seemingly dematerialized, expressing a dynamic of movement to the left is partially visible. The background is a kaleidoscope of earthy textures and colors, mixing shades of brown, ocher and white. This organic backdrop provides a striking contrast to the vibrant red balloon, which becomes the vibrant focal point of the work. It embodies intense energy, a symbol of vitality or dramatic tension. This contrast of colors and shapes creates visual tension, while evoking a feeling of precarious balance. The artist has mastered the art of merging the abstract with the figurative, creating a space where the viewer’s personal interpretation is encouraged. Every detail, from subtle nuances to bold shapes, demonstrates a deep exploration of human emotions and the duality between movement and stillness, chaos and harmony.
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Ship to | Cost |
France | €25.00 |
Europe | €30.00 |
USA and other worldwide Airmail | €40.00 |
€0.00 |
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About the artist
Of all forms of art, Marian prefers to express herself through collage. Her analog compositions combine acrylic paint and oil paint, original illustrations dating from 1900 till today and three dimensional recycled components. The works, influenced by pop art, dadaism and surrealism, show originality and freshness.
1055 works in paintingmixed mediaMember for:
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Roquebrune sur Argens FranceInfo for buyers
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