If I was a...

In this picture, I am viewing Australia from above through the eyes of a bird.This is in a series inspired by a dream I had,

Please look at the detailed shots to see the effects of adding glass beads, this adds another dimension as how the artwork is perceived from different angles and on from where the light source is.

I was trained as a traditional artist, making my own paints, iconography was my speciality.AS I’ve developed as an artist, I’ve found my knowledge of chemistry and pigments is allowing me to push boundaries of artist materials and how they are used.

All pieces of artwork are one of a kind.

The edges are painted so it’s not necessary to frame.

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    60 x 60 cm
    Acrylic / Resin / Glass / Gel / Hand-Ground Traditional Pigments on canvas
    7 Years ago

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    (ruler scale: 2m  -  6'6")

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    About the artist

    If I was a...
    Anna McNeill


    99 works in

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    member for 7 Years


    United Kingdom

    Info for buyers

    • international delivery
    • 7 day cancellation period
    • delivery usually 14 days

    see Anna McNeill's full terms and conditions