The Martian From Mars. Chapter 10

The Martian From Mars. Chapter 10. Final Chapter.

You are back with Suzy in a new world…...But that may be another story….
The King of Mars has declared with all his majestic gravity that ” The boy has my permission to go back to Earth”....And….“I will say no more on this matter!!!”....And added that ” The source of the popcorn aroma was nothing more than a technical mistake made by expired satellites and spy beams which are being replaced as commanded”....Avoiding in this way an interplanetary war and also a possible domestic rebellion as some Martians were readying for an invasion of Earth….“We want that popcorn!”....And after the rush of the Martian games, the High King sent out boxes of popcorn to all and the whole incident was forgotten…..Or not…..But that may be another story….
With this new happenings the King and Archimeda are making their own secret plans….But that may be another story…...
And her greedy boss, upon unfolding the little paper with Suzy’s recipe, found this written: A bit of oil, a bit of salt, popcorn kernels, LOVE!.

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Digital Drawing
5 Years ago

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About the artist

Angels and Dragons series are mixed media on Canvas Casino series are digitally drawn prints


186 works in drawingswood

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Houston United States
see "The Martian From Mars. Chapter 10" on Guillermo Hinojosa-Canales's website

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