women of jerusalem

Women of Jerusalem
This painting is a transformation of an image in a painting by Rembrandt - The Woman of Samaria. In his version, Jesus is a shadowy figure gently connecting to a woman drawing water from a well. The Samaritans at that time were a group of Jews considered to be less than fully part of the community. In my version, none of the woman are connecting. Each is lost in their own world. However, the woman wearing a skull cap - unthinkable in modern ultra-orthodox dominated Jerusalem - is disquieted and reflective.

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    95 x 115 cm
    oil on canvas
    17 Years ago

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    About the artist

    jess wood

    figurative narrative paintings


    146 works in painting

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    member for 17 Years


    United Kingdom
    see "women of jerusalem" on jess wood's website

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