If I Were Queen of the World

If I were Queen of the World…

If you were queen of the world, what would you do?  What would you change or implement?

Sit on the throne and ponder your power to alter the world for the better. Perhaps you already know what is top of your list.  Your answer can be humorous or serious.  Your proposed change can be big or small. Whatever it may be, focus on your feminine side and let that be your guide.

Why is it a queen’s throne and not a king’s throne?  The world has been dominated by masculine energy for centuries. This has nothing to do with gender nor does it discount or seek to remove masculine energy. There has a been an imbalance that needs alteration and healing.  Feminine energy comes from the heart and does not fear shadows.  It embraces intuition and emotion along with love, light and renewal.

Take a seat, breathe and visualize the potential for our beautiful world.

When you are finished, please write your idea in the Queen’s Book.  You may remain anonymous if you wish.


  • sculpture
  • art
  • interactive

Payment methods

  • bank transfer
  • check (cheque)


Reclaimed objects, paint, gold leaf
3 Years ago

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About the artist

Janet Marie Bradley

Painter and mixed media artist with a particular interest in book art.


258 works in paintingmixed media

Member for:

member for 15 Years


Steamboat Springs/colorado United States
see "If I Were Queen of the World" on Janet Marie Bradley's website

Info for buyers

  • accepts cheques
  • accepts bank transfer
  • international delivery
  • 14 day cancellation period
  • delivery usually 14 days

see Janet Marie Bradley's full terms and conditions