A day begins

Petraviciai is a little village located by the Polish boarder in Lithuania. It is a typical farming village surrounded with serene lakes and lush green nature. I have painted this piece from one of sketches during my recent visit to this part of the world. I keep coming back to this quiet village to see my dear friend, Piotr. He is almost living like a hermit in this village, working hard to give life to his dream community project to let this land for spiritual retreats and creative workshops.
Lithuania is such a beautiful Country. Silence is the amazing bliss you can embrace from most of the villages. For me there is a composition hidden at every corner I turned around! A tractor passing by, farmers milking cows in the field, storkes flying above the lush green canopy of the trees, sight of stunningly beautiful cranes wandering around the meadow, sudden appearance of elegant wooden panelled huts and farm houses as you walk past etc.
Here is my take of the life of a farmer, upturning the soil. Life feels so simple here, an absolutely peaceful coexistence of the nature and the humans away from the hustle and bustle of the urban life.

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    38 x 28 cm
    1 Year ago

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    (ruler scale: 2m  -  6'6")

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    About the artist

    Sussex Watercolour Society


    465 works in painting

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    member for 13 Years


    (Unknown City?) United Kingdom
    see "A day begins " on Sussex Watercolour Society's website

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