Kaui Oo

A honey-eater, the Kauai Oo (pronounced ‘Oh-oh’) lived only on the Hawaiian island of Kauai and became extinct in 1987.  Its decline was due to a variety of factors that adversely affected many of Hawaii’s endemic birds:  deforestation, introduced rats, pigs and goats, and avian malaria.  In 1826 the Night Mosquito was accidentally introduced to the Hawaiian islands.  This carries malaria and other diseases to which native species had evolved no immunity.  In addition, two hurricanes destroyed many of the older trees where Oos nested.

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1 Year ago

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About the artist

72 Frogs
Tim Halliday

Paintings and Illustrations of endangered birds and amphibiams


32 works in paintingillustration

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Oxford United Kingdom
see "Kaui Oo" on Tim Halliday's website

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