1 to 12 of 12 results for artists alphabetical: e


Artwork and associated items

279 works | member for 9 Years

Phil Entwistle

Original oil paintings with a geological interest

135 works | member for 17 Years

michael embden

landscape paintings of visionary power and beauty

33 works | member for 17 Years

karlyn eckman


173 works | member for 17 Years

Steve Elliott

Atmospheric landscapes of the Derbyshire Peak District. Original artwork in pastel and mixed media

264 works | member for 16 Years

Epiphany Art

A group of Christian artists

184 works | member for 3 Years

Amanda Eady

Through painting, drawing, photography and video, I strive to express energy of being, and the shapes that are formed by the motion of energy. By capturing the beauty of natural energy, I feel I can express a freedom of spirit.

62 works | member for 13 Years

Wendy Earley

Acrylic paintings inlaid with mirror pieces to reflect light, coloured pencil drawings, papier mache framed mirrors.

123 works | member for 13 Years

Robert Ellison


166 works | member for 9 Years



6 works | member for 3 Months