1 to 29 of 29 results for artists alphabetical: g

Northlight Gallery

Northlight is a non-profit gallery showing a range of art and crafts.

539 works | member for 9 Years

The Beach Hut Gallery

An artists co-operative run gallery

194 works | member for 15 Years


Still using film and learning new techniques in printmaking

21 works | member for 2 Years

Coby Gardiner

mixed media artist.

73 works | member for 14 Years

Gail Gibson Tait

Gail’s paintings explore colour and light through a contemplation of natural forms. Gail was originally trained as a sculptor, exploring the play of light on sculptural form. As a painter she has refined this interest in light and form into the subjective representation of colour in landscape. The paintings are inspired by her work with plants in environmental garden design, and by the changing light, detail and wildness in landscapes and seascapes – whether Richmond Park, the north Cornish coastline, the coast and inlets of West Cork in Ireland or the South Downs and its crashing waves (Gail has recently moved to Brighton). Gail graduated in Fine Art, Sculpture from Portsmouth Polytechnic. She has run galleries and a fine art publishing company. She trained as a garden designer at Kew with John Brookes, and returned to painting full time in 2000.

43 works | member for 12 Years

Chris Gilbert


181 works | member for 15 Years

Derek Gray

Commercial art - storyboards, caricatures, comic strips, illustrations

253 works | member for 17 Years

Gill Gill

Original illustrations, oils, watercolours, ink drawings and prints for sale, inspired by the Scottish and North-east coasts and Northumberland. My designs are also available on mugs and cards.

146 works | member for 9 Years

ian grainger


20 works | member for 17 Years

Andy Gardiner

Hi, I am an artist now living in Devon. I enjoy painting in watercolour and oils Mainly landscapes at the moment.

76 works | member for 2 Years

Carmen Gracia R.E.

Born in Mendoza, Argentina, Carmen is an accomplished printmaker that has lived in England for nearly 50 years.

6 works | member for 12 Years

kim glass

oil and watercolour on canvas and paper, etchings, collographs and silk screen prints.

132 works | member for 18 Years

Janette Gaggini

I have always held a passion for Art Practice although my previous career has been within the Horticultural industry and plant science research. I previously gained qualifications for Horticulture, Applied Biology (Plant Sciences). Since 1998 I have increased my education in art as a change in direction. My specific interests are three dimensional work with kinetic elements, painting, printing, sound art and video. My work aims to show my fascination with living organisms, a constant cycle of new life and degeneration. I consider organic function to be similar to that of a machine and the cycle of time.

35 works | member for 10 Years

Michael Galliah

I enjoy painting in Acrylic on stretched canvas or canvas board, and my style is in an abstract and contemporary theme.

43 works | member for 11 Years

Teresa Gordon

Visual artist

81 works | member for 11 Years

lynne grace


83 works | member for 14 Years

Duncan Gates

My current project is a series of dog paintings. My objective is not to create the predictably kitsch images often associated with animal art, but to communicate the subject matter in a more intelligent and contemporary way.

20 works | member for 15 Years


Artist, urbanist, history lover, student of people and places.

22 works | member for 4 Years

Polly Gough

Polly is an artist printmaker specialising in collagraphs and inspired by her love of animals, myths and stories. Underpinning her work is a passion for experimentation, texture and colour which finds expression in this versatile and exciting medium.

1 works | member for 1 Year

steve garvey


6 works | member for 16 Years

carolyn gilsenan

Artist and Printmaker

23 works | member for 17 Years

Gryffinwood Art

Pastel paintings of animals, horses and other pets

7 works | member for 7 Years

Kiran Grewal


20 works | member for 4 Years

Jane Conlon Goble

Creating after a 40-odd year hiatus

21 works | member for 10 Months


I draw realistic art. A mixture of pen, pencil, acrylic, airbrush, oils, charcoals, graphite etc..

4 works | member for 1 Month